One Thing or Another Podcast

From the Podcast Archives: Cat Behaviorist Molly DeVoss Joins the Show

We’ve had out beloved cats, Wilma and Peanut, for over three years now. Entering a new year seemed like a good time to offer up this interview with someone who helped us a great deal when we first brought these adorable adult cats into our home. – Mark

This week’s interview sheds light on an animal many of us share our lives with and many others consider mysterious: the cat. Having recently adopted a new one named Wilma who came from a hoarder situation, I found myself in need of help and was fortunate enough to be put in touch with Molly DeVoss. The results have been amazing.

Molly DeVoss, Cat Behaviorist

After speaking and emailing with Molly about our new cat’s issues and how to resolve them, I had the pleasure of interviewing her. She’s as knowledgeable and generous with her time and expertise as she is kind and outgoing, and I know listeners will get as much from this chat with Molly as I did.

Be sure to check out her organization, Cat Behavior Solutions (, and consider making a donation when you stop by.

About Molly DeVoss

Molly is a CFTBS (Certified Feline Training and Behavior specialist) who has rescued and fostered hundreds of kittens and cats over the years. She rehabilitated a paralyzed cat to full recovery in just eight weeks and continues to rehabs many amputee cats and underage kittens. She has volunteered well over 3600 hours with Dallas Animal Services, dedicated to saving felines.​

As a Feline Behavior Specialist, she uses her education and knowledge of feline behavior and behavior modification to help guardians enable their cats to express natural behaviors in ways that are preferable for both the humans and cats.​

Her passion is to reduce the number of cats euthanized in shelters. She sits on the Dallas Animal Advisory Commission, works with the cats at Dallas Animal ServicesFelines & Friends New Mexico, and individuals seeking cat behavior guidance.​

“I’m often called ‘the cat whisperer’, but not only is that title already claimed, I’ve found whispering to cats really isn’t all that effective. I have studied the anatomy of cats, developmental behavior and causes of behavioral issues – this combined with an acute sense of observation and feline intuition, makes me better at understanding what a cat is experiencing, earning their trust and working with them for the best possible outcome.”

~ Molly DeVoss

Molly is a Master Reiki Practitioner and uses the healing energy to calm and heal cats in stressful situations.

She is also an accomplished artist and often paints the feline form – see them here.​

Molly lives in Dallas, Texas with her cat husband Tabasco and her human husband, Dewey.

About Cat Behavior Solutions

Cat Behavior Solutions is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. This site, and the work of CBS is dedicated to cats and the people who cohabit with them.​

With better understanding of the domestic cat (Felis catus) owners will be able to provide the environment and stimulation their cats need, thereby eliminating and preventing unwanted behaviors.

Copyright MadeMark Publishing

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