
On Dreamshaping: The Project Worksheet

Mark McNease


Whether you call it a Dreamshaping Worksheet or a Project Worksheet, it’s one of the most valuable items in the Dreamshaper’s toolbox. I started keeping mine a year ago in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. It’s remarkably simple, and deceptively powerful. Why? Because it helps me see, right there in front of me, what I’ve accomplished in the previous weeks and months.

It’s so easy to become discouraged and think we’re not getting anywhere, or that we’re somehow stuck in the same small box we felt confined in yesterday and the day before. But by keeping an easy list or spreadsheet that we can add to every week, what we actually get done becomes clear – excitingly, irrefutably, invigoratingly clear! Each week, month by month, I record what I completed or started. ‘Sent out email to subscribers,’ or, ‘recorded interview with guest artist,’ or, ‘designed cover for new eBook.’ I may think I didn’t get anything done last week, but if I just take a look at the steps I took, the chapters I wrote, the podcasts I recorded and published – suddenly I know I’ve accomplished a lot. When we do this for an extended period of time, we may be the ones asking ourselves, ‘How do you manage to get so much done!’

For my own spreadsheet I’ve included vacations, too. Rest and play are essential in the dream of life. And seeing them listed means I actually rested, and played, and took delight in it instead of thinking I ought to be working at something. Those somethings are there as proof that we did, indeed, put our noses to the grindstone. And while we’re at it … let’s drop the grindstone image! Dreamshaping is, at its essence, about dreaming, and about inhabiting those dreams with our presence.

Start keeping a Project Worksheet today. In no time at all, you’ll wonder how you ever managed to accomplish so much.


  • Dave Hughes

    This is an excellent idea! I’ve heard it said that it often seems like nothing happens each day, but then you look back on a year and can’t believe how much happened! Why not enjoy that perspective as your life is happening?

  • Mark

    It has helped me carry on when I’m in a funk and thinking it’s just the same old same old. I can see how many things I get done each week and my goals seem possible. It also helps me relax and not pressure myself so much.

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