New Release! Dreamshaping: On Shaping Reality and Living Our Dreams (Second Edition)

If you’ve followed me, you know I’ve been working on this a long time. I’ve just published a second edition of Dreamshaping: On Shaping Reality and Living Our Dreams, and I couldn’t be happier to put it out there. I’ll  also be creating a Dreamshaping Workshop for next year! I’m very excited about that, and I think it’s going to be a wonderful experience sharing the ways we create the dreams we call our lives, and how to live them with exuberance.

From the book’s description:

In this Second Edition of Dreamshaping: On Shaping Reality and Living Our Dreams, we find a collection of writings about our ability to shape the lives we live, the dreams we live. These words of advice and experience, presented in easy-to-read short chapters, are more essential than ever as we navigate the dreamscape of our everyday world. Quotes and commentary add to the suggestions made in this simple dreamer’s guide, and everything is presented in a way that makes it possible for anyone to do. As the introduction says, dreamshaping is not wishful thinking, it is wishful doing. Follow along and read about listening to our bodies, and letting go of the poisons in our lives, and embracing change without fearing it. Use this simple dreamer’s guide to steer a course toward freedom, self-acceptance, and exuberance in your life. And remember, all things are of the substance of dreams.


“We make choices, or refuse to make choices, from the currents of fear in our own lives. But there is another way. I can see the masks fear presents to me and that I wear myself. I can brace for the loss, accept the risk of not getting what I want. I can allow the dreams of others, the dreams of the world itself, to be what they are and not to determine my dream.

– Dreamshaping, Fear Itself

“Our bodies are constantly speaking to us. Unfortunately, we often refuse to listen, believing we know better than our bodies, or being unable to understand what they’re telling us, or simply denying the truths they speak.
– Dreamshaping, When the Body Speaks, Listen

“And remember, nothing is missing. Whatever we do or do not do, no stroke has been left out of the paintings of our lives. The hand is full, the hand is empty. The hand grasps, the hand releases. What the hand holds, including nothing, is not the hand. We are the hand. Life is the hand.”
– Dreamshaping, The Empty Handed Life

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