In these writing classes and workshops you’ll explore your own creativity as writers, learning what makes good characters, page-turning plots, and the illusion of conversation we call dialogue.

Have you wondered where story ideas come from? Or how to take an idea and turn it into fiction? What do you do when you get stuck? How are some of the ways we can keep ourselves going from the whisper of an idea to a full-fledged short story or novel? Learn structure, outlining, narrative, point of view, and more, as you become what you want to be, or what you already are: a writer. Yes, you can!


  1. The Writer In You
  1. Character is Story: Creating Vivid Characters

–           Why and how does character create story?

–           Motivation
–           Action/Reaction
–           Purpose
–           Detail
–           The character biography

  1. Plot, Outline, and Action Points
  2. Structure: The Skeleton That Holds it All Up
  3. Getting Started
  4. Writers Block: The Only Way Out is Through
  5. Unravelling the Mystery of Writing Mysteries
  6. Mystery / Thriller / Suspense
  7. How to Keep the Pages Turning
  8. POV
  9. Third Person / First Person / Just Do It Well
  10. Writing is Re-Writing
  11. The Importance of Mentors, Teachers and Tests
  12. The ‘Beta Reader’: Don’t Write Other People’s Books for Them: Trust Your Voice
  13. So You’ve Finished a Book: Now What?

Mark McNease is the author of 14 novels, including the Kyle Callahan Mysteries, the Marshall James Thrillers, and the Maggie Dahl Mysteries. He is also a two-time Emmy winner as the co-creator of the Children’s TV program, Into the Outdoors. He currently serves on the board of the Mystery Writers of America-New York Chapter.