• Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Protecting Your Pets After You’re Gone

    Narration provided by Wondervox.

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    What is the best way to ensure my pets are taken care of after I’m gone? I have two dogs and a cat that are my four-legged family, and I want to make sure they’ll be well taken care of after I die.

    Solo Senior

    Dear Solo,

    It’s a great question. Every year, approximately 500,000 cats and dogs enter shelters when their pet parents experience an emergency or pass away. Without a proper plan in place for the future care of your pets, they are at risk of ending up in a shelter where they could be euthanized.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Do You Need Life Insurance After You Retire?

    Narration provided by Wondervox.

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Do I still need life insurance after I retire? I’ve been thinking about dropping my policy to escape the premiums. Is this a good idea?

    Approaching Retirement

    Dear Approaching,

    It depends on your family and financial situation. While many retirees choose to stop paying their life insurance premiums when they no longer have young families to take care of, there are several reasons you may still want to keep your policy. Here are some different factors to help you decide.

  • LGBTSR,  Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Three Vaccines Seniors Should Consider Getting This Fall

    Narration provided by Wondervox.

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Which vaccines are recommended for Medicare seniors this flu season?

    Just Turned 65                                                                             

     Dear Just Turned,

    There are actually three different types of vaccines seniors should consider getting this fall to protect against a repeat of last winter’s “tripledemic” of respiratory illnesses, which included flu, RSV and coronavirus. Here’s a rundown of the different vaccines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending and how they are covered by Medicare.

    Senior-Specific Flu Shots

    For people age 65 and older, there are three flu vaccines (you only need one) that the CDC recommends over traditional flu shots.

    These FDA-approved vaccines provide extra protection beyond what a standard flu shot does, which is important for older adults who have weaker immune defenses and have a greater risk of developing dangerous flu complications compared with younger, healthy adults. The three senior-specific options include the:

    • Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine, which contains four times the amount of antigen as a regular flu shot does, creating a stronger immune response for better protection.
    • Fluad Quadrivalent vaccine, which contains an added ingredient called adjuvant MF59 that also helps create a stronger immune response.
    • FluBlok Quadrivalent vaccine, is a recombinant protein (egg-free) flu vaccine that contains three times the amount of antigen as compared with a regular flu shot.
  • LGBTSR,  Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Does Medicare Cover Second Medical Opinions?

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? The doctor I currently see thinks I need a knee replacement, but I would like to get some other treatment options before I proceed. What can you tell me?

    Limping Larry

    Dear Larry,

    Getting a second medical opinion from another doctor is a smart idea that may offer you a fresh perspective and additional options for treating your knee so you can make a more informed decision. Or, if the second doctor agrees with your current one, it can give you some reassurance.

    Yes, Medicare does pay for second opinions if your current doctor has recommended surgery, or some other major diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.

  • LGBTSR,  Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Best Stair Lifts of 2023


    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Because of chronic arthritis, I have a very difficult time going up and down stairs anymore and am interested in purchasing a stair lift for my two-story house. Can you recommend some good companies?

    Arthritic Andy

    Dear Andy,

    Yes, of course! A good home stair lift is a great mobility solution for anyone who is unable, or has a difficult time climbing stairs. To help you choose a quality stair lift that meets your needs and budget, here are a few shopping tips along with some top-rated companies.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How Seniors Can Protect Themselves from Cybercrimes


    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I spend a lot of time online and love the convenience of paying bills, shopping, and keeping up with my grandkids on Facebook and Instagram. But a few months ago, my computer was infected with malware, and I just found out some cyber crook opened up a credit card using my identity and went on a shopping spree. Do you have some simple tips to help me stay safe while online?

    Paranoid Patty

    Dear Patty,

    Unfortunately, cybercrimes against seniors continue to be a big problem in the U.S. According to the FBI 2022 Elder Fraud Report, cybercrime cost Americans over age 60 more than $3 billion last year, a whopping 84 percent increase from 2021.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How Seniors Can Save on Prescription Drug Costs

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I take several medications for multiple health conditions and the prices keep going up, even with my Medicare prescription drug insurance. Can you recommend any tips that can help cut my costs?

    Tapped Out Tina

    Dear Tina,

    The high cost of prescription drugs is an ongoing problem that stings everyone, but it usually affects seniors more because they have a greater need for medications and because Medicare doesn’t cover all their drug costs.

    While the Inflation Reduction Act, that was signed into law last year, will help seniors save on their medications by negotiating lower drug prices and caping out-of-pocket spending at $2,000, it will be a few years before the law is fully enacted. In the meantime, here are some different strategies that can help reduce your costs so you can afford what you need.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Best Medical Alert Systems You Don’t Have to Wear

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Are there any monitored medical alert devices that you know of that don’t require pushing a wearable help button? My 82-year-old father, who lives alone, has fallen twice during the past year but doesn’t like wearing an SOS pendant button.

    Searching Daughter

    Dear Searching,

    Yes, there are actually several monitored medical alert systems and other technologies on the market today that have voice-activated capabilities that let seniors call for help using voice commands, without pushing a wearable help button.