This complimentary 2-hour workshop gives participants a chance to experience a group dynamic and shared storytelling that is the heart of Guided Autobiography. It also includes flash writing exercises to begin rediscovering the experiences that shaped our lives. Whether you’re interested in journaling, or legacy writing, or simply taking a short journey into the life you’re living and the life you’ve led, this is a comfortable, non-judgmental way to explore yourself.

Every life is a story, and each of us is the storyteller.

In-person participants receive the workshop outline, slides, complimentary folder, yellow writing pad, and pen.


Guided autobiography centers on thematic journaling, with participants writing 800-1000 words each week on a selected theme (for the 5-week course). Courses and condensed workshops include handouts, thought- and conversation-generating ideas and suggestions, ice breakers, and the pleasures of bonding with the group members while we all travel this path together.

Every life is a story, and each of us is the storyteller.

In this 5-week program, participants will join in flash exercises, various weekly pre-workshop assignments (such as bringing in photos or objects of meaning) and a weekly theme-based writing assignment. Pen and pad are strongly suggested!


I’ve been writing since I was just a boy with an imagination and a notebook. In these writing classes and workshops you’ll explore your own creativity as writers, learning what makes good characters, page-turning plots, and the illusion of conversation we call dialogue.

Have you wondered where story ideas come from? Or how to take an idea and turn it into fiction? What do you do when you get stuck? How are some of the ways we can keep ourselves going from the whisper of an idea to a full-fledged short story or novel? Learn structure, outlining, narrative, point of view, and more, as you become what you want to be, or what you already are: a writer. Yes, you can!


Deep dive into this 2-hour workshop on self-publishing with KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) hosted by an author and publisher who’s been there and done that for over 12 years. Discover how to get from a finished manuscript to a published eBook and print-on-demand paperback. You’ll learn: file formatting, setting up your books through KDP, pricing, ‘exclusive versus wide’ distribution, self-promotion, and how to get your book out as an audiobook using ACX. There’s a lot more packed into this workshop, including handouts and a live eBook set up to show you exactly how it works.

Mark McNease is the author of 14 novels and counting, most of which are also audiobooks. Two of his eBooks have been bestsellers on Kindle. He’s the author of the Kyle Callahan Mysteries, the Maggie Dahl Mysteries, the Marshall James Thrillers, as well as three books under the name M.A. McNease (Hell to Pay, and I, Warlock). He’s a two-time Emmy winner for the children’s TV program, Into the Outdoors, and he’s currently a board member with the Mystery Writers of America-New York Chapter.


From the memorable to the murderous

Have you wondered how to get a character from your mind to the page, and how to make them memorable to yourself and your readers?

In this 2-hour workshop you’ll learn about:
The character biography: A life of their own
Who’s the boss? Letting your characters lead the way
Voices in your head: Hearing is believing
Protagonist, antagonist, and the chorus line
Writing is listening

Participants will create a character of their own during the workshop, including a biography and a short scene featuring the character.

Character is story … and story is character.