East Coast Meets West Coast with Guided Autobiography Instructors Mark McNease and Stephen Dolainski

What’s Your Story?

Want to share your life stories with family and friends but aren’t sure how to get started?

Start with Your Write Path. Our 6-week online course employs a unique, evidence-based form of self-reflection that provides guidance and support as you create your personal narrative of meaningful moments, themes, and values in your life.

When: Every Tuesday, beginning Tuesday, September 3, for six weeks (last session is Tuesday, October 8)
Time: 2:00 pm Eastern, 11:00 am Pacific
Cost: $275

Join Mark (New Jersey) and Steve (Los Angeles) for this six-week online journey into the depths of autobiographical writing

Participants explore the themes that run through all our lives: the role of money in our past and present, our work and career paths, our health journeys and spiritual selves, and much more.

Through the use of handouts, discussion, flash writing, and weekly themes that participants write 800-1000 words on, shared in an intimate group setting, everyone walks hand-in-hand along their own ‘write path.’

The program consists of six weekly 2-hour Zoom sessions, where Steve and Mark guide everyone into and through the process. In the second half of every session, each facilitator will lead participants in a breakout room to ensure the small-group intimacy that allows in-depth participation.

What They’re Saying

“Mark gave us a simple exercise, to pick a room and diagram it using the house we grew up in. Put in the furniture, windows, all the room’s features, and take notice of any feelings, emotions, thoughts that occurred as we did the exercise. I was astonished at the power of my memories and feelings … I became that teenage boy in Canton, Mississippi, trying to figure out how I could be so different … and wondering if I would even be able to act on those feelings.” – Jim G.

“Really enjoyed your Introductory Workshop in Guided Autobiography at Bucks on Bridge.  I found your exercises (room drawing and abbreviated branching points) very helpful in exploring our lives.  You are a great teacher.” – Maureen Y.

About Guided Autobiography

“Guided Autobiography (GAB) has been researched and developed by Dr. James Birren over the past 40 years as a method for helping people document their life stories. Guided by a trained instructor, participants are led through themes and priming questions that evoke memories of events once known but filed away and seemingly forgotten. Each participant writes a two-page story on a particular theme each week, brings the story to class and reads it to a small group of receptive classmates. Writing and sharing life stories with others is an ideal way to find new meaning in life and to put life events into perspective. While connecting with one another on their journeys of self-discovery, participants feel enlivened by the group experience and gain a greater appreciation of their own lives and of the lives of others. GAB can be a powerful catalyst for improved self-esteem, self-confidence and communication within communities and within families.”

About Mark McNease

Mark McNease is a workshop and class conductor, novelist, webmaster, podcaster and more. His two great passions are writing, and sharing what he’s learned after 50 years of doing it.

He is the author of 14 mysteries and thrillers, a 2-time Emmy Winner for the children’s TV program Into the Outdoors, and a current board member for the Mystery Writers of America, New York. He lives in rural New Jersey. You can read more about him at his website:

Mark with Guided Autobiography participants in Lambertville, NJ

About Stephen Dolainski

Stephen Dolainski is a career educator in the field of adult literacy, and an editor and author. Currently, he teaches workplace writing classes to assist employees in improving their writing skills. In 2023, Stephen was certified by the Birren Center as a Guided Autobiography (GAB) Writing instructor. Since then, he has facilitated several GAB classes at the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center.

Stephen is the author/co-author of several books: Words to Learn By: Academic Vocabulary; WorkWise: Reading at Work and WorkWise: Writing at Work; Romantic Days & Nights in Los Angeles; and Grammar Traps—A Handbook of the 20 Most Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. He was also the co-editor (with Mark McNease) of Outer Voices/Inner Lives, a collection of stories and essays written by older LGBT authors, which was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award.

Steve with Guided Autobiography participants in Los Angeles